Honing priorities for a balanced, creative 2024
Honing priorities for a balanced, creative 2024
I promised myself I would take care of me… all of me, mind, body, soul… moreso this year.
Continuing on from my work in the latter part of 2023, fitness and health remain my focus.
With a well spring to be tended to, a cup to fill, and a life to be lived; I want to do this mindfully and consistently.
With self work comes more honed priorities and tailored days. Less time sat at my desk perhaps, but with that, when I do, the work has been productive and definite.
A clarity and a sense of choice. A few words written. A picture drawn.
Our time is precious, both in life and in artistry, and any time we devote to this, should not be diminished or demoted. Each is worthy and each is meant.
Hopes and dreams aren’t built on nothing, and with working towards a place where I FEEL more ME, then in turn, I’m sure my work will benefit.
I feel it. As I hope you do also.
Ever onwards.
Jen x