Category: Uncategorized

Seeking inspiration in clarity, from far away stars.. And darkness alike

Autumn made her think, of blue skies. The clearest. The brightest. So so blue. Blue skies, with threads of silvery cloud stretching. In winding sinew; wisps & wishes. With fallen leaves and warmth from ground, complimentary to the cold air, and cool tones above. Night skies of darkest ink blue, equalling in clarity to daylight hours. Starlight twinkling. Far away


“Words stretched from cloud to cloud in sky scrawled transcript. Silver linings penned of hopes and of dreams… Imaginings cradled, upon and within, sky bound vapour. Held aloft, by air current, turbulence and bluster. Moving rapidly… fleeting from grey to blue.” ~ Jenna Martin Leitch

As Autumn tip-toes in… I notice the neons in our hedgerows

The green of new growth is not saved just for Spring.   Those vital, almost luminescent beginnings, of new leaves, at end of tendrils, can also be seen now. At ‘nearly’ Autumn, the months don’t dictate, what intention the course of nature takes.   Ivy growing in brightest hues, where before it, sallow olive greens were evident. Deepest tones and

Early Morning Run, and Elephant Hawk Moth… As if meant to be

I felt so lucky to have spotted this beauty of an Elephant Hawk Moth on my early morning run today. Sat upon pavement, right beside a main road, I let him walk onto my hand before placing over the walk onto woodland foliage. Moments like this, are one of the many reasons I run. I see nature up close, and

A Quietening… My Family and Swifts in Flight

Early morning quiet on our Spanish balcony! A collared dove came to visit, while I sat. In between sips of coffee and pages of the most beautiful, and enchanting novel by Matt Haig.  The spanning of time. Of change. Of family. Of friendships. They’re all charted, and felt, when away somewhere different. We see our life, as if afresh; from

Silver Lined were those Jaggiest of Nettles

As if with sparkling edges, and gentle frosted fronds. Stinging nettles in reverse silhouette, aglow. Such beauty can be found, in the least expected places. I adore the noticings of life, the tiny details which may go unnoticed… the magic that lives, right before us. I go through phases with different plants, different birds… where they seem to enthrall me…

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