Finding hope in every new shoot
New shoots in spring are possibly one of the most hopeful occurrences in my world. 🌱
With every year, and every change of season, from Winter into Spring, the joy held in seeing these tiny shoots, peeking up from the earths floor, never fails to awaken a spark of wonder in me. 🌱
With new growth, we too, feel like a breath is taken in. A release and a relax, knowing that the world is awakening again, and the seasons are shifting. 🌱
Light hours extend and days are longer. Time spent outside mends. And with the daylight hours stretching out bit by bit with each day, I for one, definitely FEEL lighter for it. 🌱
I took a trip through to Glasgow today, to @horatiosgarden to meet with @gardensbychelsea and see the beautiful garden she tends to, the community within it, and the life which is created, in such a nurturing space. 🌱
With a connection to nature, we feel more alive. For me, it creates in me a capacity to BE, and be ME, more solidly. And with more truth. 🌱
With those tiny shoots, their meaning is inherent. In my life, and in the lives of so many others. Horatio’s Garden is proof of just that. There is joy, even JUST as a garden awakens from it’s Winter slumber. 🌱
To all those tiny shoots… I can’t thank you enough. 🌱