I feel the pull to ‘home’
I feel the pull to ‘home’
As time passes, we become aware of just that… time passing.
With each moment, within each minute, or hour, or day… time moves from then to now. We can LIVE in these moments, or we can give in to the transience, and let time pass without choosing to enjoy or notice what is happening before us.
Today I went a run. It takes a while before my legs wake up, and with that, from that moment, I can then look around and take in the world around me. Birds in trees, snowdrops blooming, catkins on branches, clouds fleeting across the sky.
The colour of bark on silver birch trees, mosses and lichen clinging to their sides. The seasons making way for each timely nuance to grace where my feet and eyes fall upon and witness.
I love the feeling of knowing I’m alive. Footsteps in sequence, the sound of my breath, the wind breezing past my face and filling my lungs.
The aliveness, and the time I spend outside leads to thought and reminiscing. Memories play out and stories build in unison.
Home. Bennachie. Tifty. The dog violets on the fallen dyke. The stream under the Tifty bridge. The Ythan flowing gently past the castle and onwards to Newburgh. Estuary and tides. The continuity of nature’s cycle.
Time. The circularity and the continuing turn of those moments. In my mind.
My parents. My Mum. My Dad.
Our lives are enriched by the love we are lucky to share. The love imbued by time shared. That love lives on in the places where it was conjured and felt. I’m sure of it.
And so… I think of home frequently just now. As the wind howls outside. As my children chatter in the adjoining room. As my cats sleep upstairs.
The love lives on… in all of this. As it lives in me. And always will.
We are all ‘home’ I think.