Friendships: The tapestry of life’s connections
I have been thinking a lot about connections recently. The friends we make in our lives. How life changes, and although these people aren’t there, in our day to days, they’re ALWAYS there, in the tapestry of who we are. Who we have become. And who we are within.
Our friends enrich who we are. Solidify the joy in our relationships. It translates into every area of our lives.
As a vet nurse, our team is integral to my happiness. Our conversations and our laughter amongst what we do, is a game changer in my life. Without that, life as an artist can be quite lonely. I’m so glad and grateful to have Katie nearby to chat to also.
I have my school friends, my art college friends, my friends from Dundee Rep, the dancing and nights out phase! Retail work at one point, my time at the children’s library. Family. My dad, my brother. My aunties and uncles, my cousins and, once upon a time, my Grannies. Football families with my girl’s teams. Teams of old. Teams of now.
They all knit together. They all intertwine. I am them, parts of me threaded through who they are also.
Friendships and connections. We must tend to them, just as we tend to a garden, and indeed, life itself.
Ever onwards…
Jen -